Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tofu just doesn't taste that great:\

Yes, a lot of people seem to have problems adjusting their taste buds to tofu but trust me there are TONS of modifications that you can make to your tofu to make it taste really good.

How I usually prepare my tofu is:

- Start off with sauteing the vegetables which consist of green peppers, red peppers, mushrooms, and red onion

- While the vegetables are cooking I start cooking the tofu on the side (I usually cut them into cubes)

-  Once the tofu is cooked, I usually add in 2 different kinds of sauces (hot sauce and tomato sauce) and mix them in with the tofu along with the vegetables

It honestly makes such a great meal, having the tofu on the side along with mashed potatoes and baby corn.

You can also make these into long rectangular pieces to put into a wrap or make it into a scramble.

Other ways of making tofu so it tastes good:

1) Crispy Fried Tofu
2) Ginger Tofu
3) Tofu Burgers

Recipes for the above tofu's is listed in the Interesting Websites

Following the Canadian Food Guide

It's not hard to follow the Canadian Food Guide as a vegetarian, you've just got to learn to substitute and adjust.

For example, for Vegan and Lacto vegetarians it's hard to get exact servings from meat and alternatives considering that they don't eat meat. As a substitute, you can eat tofu, or even things like veggie group beef, or soy.

As a Vegan, it's not only hard to meat the daily requirements for meat and alternatives, but it's also hard to meet the milk and alternative requirements. As a substitute however, Vegan's can drink things such as soy milk, rice milk, even almond milk, and in terms of cheese you can substitute with soy cheese.

Different Types of Vegetarians

Vegan Vegetarians

These types of vegetarians only eat plant foods including fruits and vegetables, legumes (dried beans, lentils, etc), grains, seeds, and nuts. 

Lacto Vegetarian 

Eat plant foods as well as dairy products, such as milk and cheese.

Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian 

Eating plant foods, dairy products, and eggs. 

Semi- Vegetarian 

Don't eat red meat, but tend to eat chicken and seafood along side plant foods, diary products, and eggs. 

Why I became a Vegetarian

First and for most, I'll tell you a little about myself and why I chose to become a vegetarian.

Growing up as a child, both my parents were non-vegetarian and I always used to eat a lot of meat. Every Friday and Saturday night our meal usually consisted of a meat based dinner whether it be chicken wings, nuggets, beef, or even fast food (McDonald's, Wendy's, KFC, etc).

When I was about 7/8 years old, I went back home (India) to visit family and to attend a wedding. It was a great experience except when I witnessed my older cousins and a couple of my uncles capturing and  breaking a chickens neck.

Yeah, I know ... what a horrifying act for a little kid to see, except no one in India really cared as to who was around because it was something completely normal to them at the time. Anyway after witnessing such a disturbing event, I went back to my house that my parents have there and told them about what I had just saw.Knowing them, they had probably witnessed such events regularly during their youth so it wasn't surprising to me when they told me to simply forget about it and go play with my cousins.

This was basically my reaction the entire time I was eating.

Lo and behold later that night we were having chicken for dinner! I ended up eating it,although with great difficulties.

I told my parents about my decision and they were completely okay with it. Ever since that day I never touched or looked at meat again. I've been a vegetarian for 11 years now and I couldn't be better :)

I know, I know you must be wondering "why talk about veggies?" ...

Well, the main reason as to why I chose vegetarian diet is because I  am a vegetarian myself.

Throughout my life I have constantly heard people talking about how hard it is to be a vegetarian, and other things like what do vegetarians eat? how do they eat vegetables and leafy greens so much? don't they get sick of it?

I'm here to help answer those questions along with show you how easy it is to be a vegetarian.