Sunday, April 15, 2012

Why I became a Vegetarian

First and for most, I'll tell you a little about myself and why I chose to become a vegetarian.

Growing up as a child, both my parents were non-vegetarian and I always used to eat a lot of meat. Every Friday and Saturday night our meal usually consisted of a meat based dinner whether it be chicken wings, nuggets, beef, or even fast food (McDonald's, Wendy's, KFC, etc).

When I was about 7/8 years old, I went back home (India) to visit family and to attend a wedding. It was a great experience except when I witnessed my older cousins and a couple of my uncles capturing and  breaking a chickens neck.

Yeah, I know ... what a horrifying act for a little kid to see, except no one in India really cared as to who was around because it was something completely normal to them at the time. Anyway after witnessing such a disturbing event, I went back to my house that my parents have there and told them about what I had just saw.Knowing them, they had probably witnessed such events regularly during their youth so it wasn't surprising to me when they told me to simply forget about it and go play with my cousins.

This was basically my reaction the entire time I was eating.

Lo and behold later that night we were having chicken for dinner! I ended up eating it,although with great difficulties.

I told my parents about my decision and they were completely okay with it. Ever since that day I never touched or looked at meat again. I've been a vegetarian for 11 years now and I couldn't be better :)

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